EPiC elementary PTa

Welcome to the pta!

Welcome to EPiC Elementary PTA, an association of parents, teachers, and administrators who work together to sponsor programs benefiting the children of EPiC Elementary. Membership in PTA is open to anyone who believes in PTA's mission. 

This page serves as our one-stop hub of information for all things PTA related. 

If you haven't joined us yet, we invite you to join the PTA, attend one of our meetings, meet other parents, or sign up to volunteer for one of our events. 



Thank you for all of your nominations!

This year, our PTA members voted on our nominees and have chosen to recognize two amazing members of our EPiC Community! They will be recognized at the award reception on April 18th. Next time you see one of these amazing people, give them a big congratulations and a huge THANK YOU for the amazing work they do in our school. 

Mr. Mike Crowley

Mr. Mike consistently goes above and beyond the requirements of his job, and has added value to Epic extending far beyond his job title. He is a great example for all school staff who are often listed as "support" or "other". Mr. Mike throws himself into being a positive presence at Epic. He is a joy for the kids to be around, makes them feel seen, and does whatever he can to help. In my daughter's case, I remember how the first couple weeks of kindergarten were such a tough transition for her. She cried in the dropoff line, and did not want to get out of the car. Mr. Mike made it his job to be at her open door every morning with a smile and challenge her with a race to the front door. In no time, my daughter was completely over her anxiety, and just excited to get to school. Eventually the races to the front door stopped, but the high fives didn't. That is just one example of why Mr. Mike deserves to be recognized. I'm sure many other people have their own stories.

Wendy Bohachick

Wendy has always made herself available to any kids, parents, or teachers at EPiC. She's constantly volunteering, being present, coordinating, and is involved in all things for the betterment of EPiC. I think she deserves all the praise possible as she makes so many of our lives easier! She also is a great support for our kiddos! 
For her exceptional service to our school community. Wendy selflessly gives of her time and resources for thebetterment of each Studio.
Wendy has made a great impact serving on the exec board, several committees, and volunteering at the school.

2023-24 Reflections CONTEST!

Congratulations, winners!

Students turned in 40 entries for the Reflections contest this year, showing more participation than any year since COVID.  We are so proud of them!  

All entries will be recognized and displayed at school sometime during the second semester.  Trophies will also be awarded to ALL participants, and parents will be invited to this presentation to view all students' submissions.  We will share more details as soon as we have them.  

The following entries have been advanced to the state level of competition.

2023-24 Pta Meetings 

2023-2024 Unit Meetings will be held at 6:00 PM in Studio 5 on the following Thursdays:

You can find more event and meeting information on our Calendar page.

– Thank you to our –

2023-2024 Pta business sponsors

Want to be a business sponsor? We'd love your support. You can sign up for a Business Membership or contact our VP Membership for more information.


Our mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.